Välismaal, eriti USAs, on helesinise unistuse püüdmine riskantne ettevõtmine. Aga eestlanna Kristi Roosmaa on seda just teinud ning väga edukalt. Kristi on kaasa löönud muusikalides, teleshow'des ja enda produtseeritud mängufilmis. Kohe emaks saav naine aga peatumise märke ei näita.
Read MoreA release of new music from composer/writer Johanna Telander's project in development: Kalevala the Musical has created thousands of online video plays and significant media buzz in New York and Northern Europe in the very brief time since its online distribution began.
Read MoreEstonians and Finns in New York City team up to bring the legendary Finnish national epic Kalevala to Broadway. A production, initiated by a Finnish origin singer-songwriter Johanna Telander, was inspired by the 100th anniversary of Finland to celebrate and popularize an iconic story that has inspired many through generations.
Read MoreActress and Producer Kristi Roosmaa shares a universal story starring as a young immigrant pursuing her dreams in the new heartfelt short film, WILDFLOWER.
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